
Romania and English

sâmbătă, 26 martie 2016

Lansare Televiziune K-POP

 Echipa de la Eurpean K-POP  ne surprind cu un cadou de primavara .

[RO] European KPOP impreuna cu vin in sprijinul fanilor KPOP lansand prima televiziune Online dedicata miscarii KPOP.

Televiziunea KPOP TV va putea fi receptionata in mediul online oriunde in lume.

KPOP TV se adreseaza tuturor fanilor KPOP indifferent de tara din care provin. KPOP TV va putea fi receptionat gratuit si fara restrictie de varsta.

Prin intermediul programului KPOP TV va vom tine la curent cu: tabere, concerte, spectacole, kpop party, lansari albume, lansari video clipuri, concursuri kpop.

KPOP TV va fi lansat in cadrul primei tabere KPOP din Romania care se desfasoara la Baza Turistica Buftea (Jud. Ilfov).

Va invitam sa fiti alaturi de noi (fie participand la KPOP Camp 2016 sau vizitandu-ne in mediul Online).

Ne face o deosebita placere ca impreuna cu participantii KPOP Camp 2016 sa realizam show-ul de lansare a televiziunii KPOP TV (transmisie LIVE din cadrul KPOP Camp 2016)

Fiti alaturi de noi! Revenim cu informatii si amanunte despre lansarea KPOP TV in cel mai scurt timp.

[EN] European KPOP and come to support kpop fans with the launching of the first Online Television dedicated to Kpop movement.

Kpop TV Television can be accessed online anywhere in the world.

Kpop TV addresses all Kpop fans, no matter where they come from. Kpop TV can be accessed free of charge and without age restriction.

Through Kpop TV’s program we will keep you updated with: camps, concerts, shows, Kpop party, album release, releases of video clips, Kpop contests.

Kpop TV will be launched in the first Kpop camp in Romania which is organized in Buftea tourist base (Jud. Ilfov).

We invite you to join us (either by participating in Kpop Camp 2016 or visiting us online).

We are very pleased that together with the Kpop Camp 2016 participants will help us to realize the launch show of the television Kpop TV (broadcast LIVE from the Kpop Camp 2016)

Join us! We will return with the information and details about the launch of Kpop TV, in no time.

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